Most people soon realize how to increase traffic to the website using an affiliate marketing strategy. Many even implement successful affiliate marketing strategies that increase the number of visitors to their website exponentially. More, however, make some very common mistake when it comes to their affiliate marketing strategy that results in the affiliate site getting lots of visitors, but the merchant site getting few to no sales.
Therefore, you should always remember that a successful affiliate marketing strategy involves consideration of the overall marketing strategy, and ensure you do not make some of the following common affiliate marketing errors:
Therefore, you should always remember that a successful affiliate marketing strategy involves consideration of the overall marketing strategy, and ensure you do not make some of the following common affiliate marketing errors:
One of the most common flaws you find with many affiliate marketing websites is the desire of the site owner to sell the product. This is, after all, only a natural instinct. You sell the product, and the customer links to the merchant’s page. What happens after the visitor is redirected though? In most cases they are meet with yet another sales pitch, and another link click to click. Likely as not, a potential customer has just lost interest. They’re suffering from a feeling of over sell! To avoid this common affiliate marketing error from happening to you, you need to make sure your website is pre-selling the product that the merchant site is selling. That way you should be able to keep the attention of the visitor so that they go from being a visitor to your site to a customer of the merchant site – rather than just a visitor to all sites selling the product that is part of the affiliate marketing strategy!
Don’t let a potential customer down
It come sometimes be difficult to see why you should do anything but have advertising banners on you site that visitors can click to visit the merchant site. Although this may well seem the easy option, in fact this is a very commonly made affiliate marketing error. Surveys and empirical evidence show that visitors to website want to leave the website with the feeling that they have learnt something new by visiting your website – thereby ensuring they have not just wasted their time. If you have all advertising and no content, this is exactly the feeling you will be leaving. And, while you may well find that you are still making sales using this affiliate marketing strategy, the simple fact of the matter is that you will not be maximizing the profits you could be making if you just took a little bit of time to replace some of the space currently taken up with advertising on your site with some powerful and useful content. Also, you should find that having a healthy mix between content and advertising helps you to get much higher search engine search returns, which itself should direct more traffic to your website.
Who are you selling to?
Have you ever heard of the concept of selling freezers to Eskimos? No doubt the idea of a freezer is a brilliant one. And, no doubt someone is going to need a freezer. But it is extremely unlikely that an Eskimo is going to be the person who needs the freezer you are trying to sell! This same concept should be explained to thousands of affiliate marketing people – because they simply don’t get it. What they do is look for a product and hope they’ll find a market. In fact, even if you have the best product in the world to sell, if you do not have a market you simply are not going to sell it! As such, if you want to make sure you have an successful affiliate marketing strategy in place, you best make sure that you identify a market, then bring them the product they want to buy.
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