An Introduction To AdSense
A lot of people are looking for additional ways to make money on their free time. Such earnings will help augment the bills they have to pay, after all, and will ease up a great burden from the salaries they are receiving from their day jobs.
In the quest to discover new earning opportunities, quite a number of enterprising individuals have unearthed an amazing venture that will make them earn a good amount of money – often, better than their regular wages – without having a hands-on approach 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In fact, a lot of these people claim that it only takes them an average of an hour or two per day to ensure that such an opportunity will perform well and will deliver the promises it offers.
We’re talking about AdSense, Google’s pay per click (PPC) program for webmaster.
The Sense Of AdSense
AdSense is a pay per click program. This means what it says. Once a webmaster enrolls under the AdSense program, he’d be assigned a specific code. The webmaster will only have to copy and paste this code on his website, with a few adjustments which are a matter of preference, and advertisements will be displayed on his web pages.
Now, every time a visitor clicks on these ads, the webmaster will earn a certain amount.
Easy enough, right?
But AdSense offers so much more than what it appears to be. The fact is, AdSense has COMPLETELY revolutionized the way by which webmasters earn online. Whereas before, webmasters relied on soliciting their own advertisements (which was difficult to do considering that they have to establish and prove the popularity of the website and they have to find willing sponsors), nowadays, thanks to AdSense, getting advertisements is as easy as applying for an account over at google adsense .
All About Contextual Advertising
The great thing about Google AdSense is that it will NOT send out advertisements that are unrelated to the subject of your web page. Instead, AdSense employs a system called contextual advertising. This means that the ads that will be displayed on your pages are relevant to the topic you are discussing.
How can AdSense determine this?
The short answer: through keywords.
It is a fact that most of the time, particular keywords are used in relation to a discussion on a particular subject. When talking about dogs, keywords such as “dog health,” “dog food,” and “dog grooming” are often used, for example. When talking about video games, “PS2,” “Playstation 2,” and “Xbox 360” are often the keywords mentioned.
AdSense pinpoints the predominant keywords for every page and displays the ads that are relevant to them.
Succeeding With AdSense
Any veteran AdSense webmaster will tell you that, though it’s not impossible, succeeding with the program with just one website will be very, very difficult.
The way to go is to have multiple websites enrolled under the same account.
Imagine a website that garners 100 clicks per day, with $0.05 per click. That’s just $5 per day, or $150 per month.
But if you have 10 websites pulling the same numbers each and every month, you’d have a substantial earning of $1,500 every 30 days. This is what makes AdSense a profitable venture, one which has not escaped the attention of internet savvy individuals in the past 2 years or so.
And this is what you should aim for: a multitude of mini-websites enrolled under your AdSense account, with each website capable of pulling a sustainable and substantial amount of earnings. This cannot be done overnight, please remember that. But with some effort and the right training, you’d be able to achieve this goal at the soonest possible time.
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