There are a number of mini e-book creation tips you should keep in mind before you begin your next (or first) project. Paying attention to these small tips could save you hundreds of dollars in lost sales.
Tip #1 – Use a professional sales page and a professional format for your mini e-book. If you cannot do either of these on your own, you really might want to consider hiring someone to do the job for you. Simply having a clean, impressive sales page with good copy and a cleanly formatted mini e-book will do wonders for your credibility.
Tip #2 – Create high-quality information and keep a long-term strategy in mind. It is often easy to follow mini e-book creation tips that focus on the short run – that teach you to milk every last dollar you can get out of a customer in one shot, but if your goal is to make repeat sales – which is ten times more effective than reselling to new people every time – then you need to thing long term. Maybe even give your e-book away for free. It sounds crazy, but it will gain you a loyal following of supporters and subscribers.
Tip #3 – Create your mini e-book in PDF format, rather than in an executable file. Executable files are notorious for being bugged and not opening – or even crashing computers.
Tip #4 – Create a clear production creation timeline – and do not break from it. This will allow you to have a rough idea when you will complete things, so you can begin creating a buzz for your new product before you even begin to sell it.
Tip #5 – The last of my mini e-book creation tips -- is to find joint venture partners to help you launch your product. If you can find someone who will send your report out to his list completely free of charge, then you can actually avoid paying for advertisement altogether.
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