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Showing posts from May, 2020

How to Promote Your Own Information Product

Creating your own information product is not enough to ensure monstrous profit from the World Wide Web.  You have to learn how to market the same.  The operative word in Internet Marketing, after all, is still “ marketing .” Here are some strategies that are sure to help you increase your earnings by boosting the sales rate of your information product… 1. Gaining affiliates.   If you’re selling something in the world wide web without seeking the help of affiliates, then there’s something wrong with your marketing strategy.  Worse, you’re losing thousands, if not millions of dollars, in revenue.  Why?  Because utilizing affiliates is the quickest and most efficient way of gaining a prominent presence in the World Wide Web.  Affiliates will get your business message across a wide audience.  And since they’ll be promoting your product via an affiliate link you’ll provide, leading to central sales page where you can convert visitors into s...

Why You Should Use Graphic Templates

When it comes to graphics, most Internet marketers shy away from using graphic templates whether it's e-book covers, website layouts or promotional banners because they firmly believe that by using graphic templates, they are tarnishing their own business. They want to own a unique identity and hence will always find a professional graphic designer to do the job. Well, you're in for a big surprise! When you purchase a graphic template, you will be able to customize it to an extent or even build a totally new design based on it! What's the point of using the template then, you say? Well, it serves as a source of inspiration and ideas for a totally new design. You can't derive anything from a blank canvas, right? Media Gust On top of that, you are actually saving a lot of precious time that you can otherwise spend on more important matters like developing new products or market your products. When you buy a pre-made template, you only need to edit a thing or...

Mini E-Book Creation Tips

There are a number of mini e-book creation tips you should keep in mind before you begin your next (or first) project. Paying attention to these small tips could save you hundreds of dollars in lost sales. Tip #1 – Use a professional sales page and a professional format for your mini e-book. If you cannot do either of these on your own, you really might want to consider hiring someone to do the job for you. Simply having a clean, impressive sales page with good copy and a cleanly formatted mini e-book will do wonders for your credibility. Tip #2 – Create high-quality information and keep a long-term strategy in mind. It is often easy to follow mini e-book creation tips that focus on the short run – that teach you to milk every last dollar you can get out of a customer in one shot, but if your goal is to make repeat sales – which is ten times more effective than reselling to new people every time – then you need to thing long term. Maybe even give your e-book away for free...

The One Secret to Getting Non Stop Traffic

Do you know the one secret to getting non stop traffic? If you don't, you're probably not getting it, are you? Interestingly enough, it's really simple – and yet so complex that most people who want to make money on the Internet miss it entirely. There are some reputed digital marketing agencies who are using these techniques. The secret to getting non stop traffic is giving your visitors a compelling reason to continue to come back to your site.  Put yourself in this situation. Pretend that you have a site that receives 10,000 visitors a month from natural search engine traffic. Let's also say that this site has no mechanism for recycling traffic. Could you make money off of that traffic? Of course, you could. Now, let's say you have some recycling mechanism, such as a forum or an automatic “favorites” pop-up. And let's say that you are able to effectively recycle 70% of your traffic. Assuming your natural search engine rankings don't impro...

How to Price Your eBook

You've written and compiled an e-book. Now you have to decide how much to charge for it. Finding the right price is essential to the success of your product. If you charge too little, people will think it's of little value, and they won't purchase it, or even it they do buy your book, you will have to sell thousands of copies to get to the point where you can begin to see a profit. If you price it too high when compared with your competition, you will find yourself steadily lowering the price, which will cause you all kinds of new problems in the future. For example, if you sell your e-book at first for $39.99, and later reduce it to $24.95, don't you think the people who bought it for $39.99 are going to be PISSED? Choosing the right price for your e-book is one of the most critical parts of the marketing process. The first rule of pricing e-books is to never under-price. Determine the highest price your audience can afford, and then if you find your book isn...

7 Ways to Make Money Using Nothing More Than Your List

An opt-in list can be quite crucial to any site or internet based company. Even for a small venture such as a niche profit site an opt-in list can make a world of difference and also add some extra income for your pocket. Rarely would you see an e-commerce site, big or small, that is without an opt-in list. An opt-in list allows for a company to market their wares and site via an e-mail. With an opt-in list, a site and a subscriber consents to sending and receiving a newsletter from your company. Through this, you can keep your subscribers abreast of what is currently available in your site as well as whatever is coming out.  And because there is mutual consent between the two parties, any mail sent to the list is not considered as spam mail. There is a great number of successfully read promotional materials such as catalogs, newsletters and such that are sent because the subscribers themselves have signed up for them, meaning, they do want to be sent those items. ...

Building a Highly-targeted Opt in List

Are you successful with your Internet business? Better yet, do you think you are successful with your online business? When most online entrepreneurs are asked with these questions, they often brush it off. This is because most of them, who have not yet realize the right way to succeed in Internet Marketing, continue to believe that the mere fact that they have a website is already enough to succeed on the Internet. The truth is, they all end up very upset because they fail to realize the secret behind the success in Internet Marketing. Having a website is not a guarantee that your online business will succeed. How will you succeed if people will not realize that your business exist online? The key to Internet marketing is to get your business noticed.  An effective way to do this is to build an opt-in list. In fact, most of the people who are already experts in Internet marketing will tell you that building a highly targeted opt in list is the most effective and im...

5 Proven Methods to Building Traffic

As the internet age advances, more and more businesses are finding new life online. The potential benefits of such a venture are great as the internet allows for access to millions of possible customers across the globe. The startup costs tend to be lower as many entrepreneurs run their online businesses from home. Unlike a physical store or office, online businesses are usually open 24 hrs a day, everyday. That’s the good news. The bad news is that the success rate for startup online businesses is about 10% as 9 out of 10 online businesses simply don’t work. Getting traffic to your site can be the most difficult of tasks. There you are eager and ready, your website looks great, your merchandise or service is ready and the future seems bright. So how do you get people to come to your site? The following will give you 5 methods that will help steer you in the correct direction.  Amplify Your Conversion 1. Search Optimization Search optimization is the method used to all...

3 Factors that Constitute an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

A successful email marketing campaign depends on three factors.  All these three factors must be met before you can harvest the gold that can be found in your mailing list. What are these three factors?  How can you ensure their proper implementation? Deliverability Rate Before your messages can be read, they must first reach the inbox of the intended recipients.  Whereas a few years ago, this was almost as automatic once you send your messages, the same cannot be said in this day and age.  Most mailing systems have anti-spam filters which review incoming messages.  If a message is perceived as spam, it will sorted into a different folder, away from the immediate view of the recipient and jumbled up with other messages that are considered as trash. It is apparent that the deliver-ability rate of your follow-up messages depend on how well you will be able to avoid these spam filters.  And this can be achieved through the manner by which y...

Top 5 Ways to Generate Low Cost Website Traffic

There is one hard and fast rule in generating income for your website: A steady flow of website traffic. If no one goes to your site, it hardly bares a chance of generating an income. Many sites have tried and failed in doing so, and these results to the sites demise. It takes money to maintain an income generating site; it also takes money to make money. BUT, it doesn’t take a whole caboodle of cash to generate website traffic for your site. Ever wonder how does big hit sites drive traffic top their site? Most of them are spending tons of money to drive the traffic to their sites, investing in many advertising campaigns and different forms of marketing schemes and gimmickry. This is all worthwhile because, well, they are what they are now, high earning, big hitting websites.  You don’t have to do this if you don’t really have their resources. There are many ways and digital strategies to generate low cost website traffic without having to spend what you don’t have...

How to Generate Visitors Who Are Willing to Buy

Generating traffic is an art.  But generating the right kind of traffic is the science that will unlock the gates of profit.  You have to remember that there are four kinds of traffic that you can generate for your website.  These are: 1. The traffic that casually came to your website.  These are the people who spend their afternoons looking for information that will feed their curiosity.  They are not looking for anything in particular.  They just go to where their searches would lead them. 2. The traffic that is composed of visitors who want something, but don’t know the kind of solution they need.  These prospects require the most work.  You see, it’s enough that you’d tell them what your product is all about.  You should also tell them why they need your product.  This can be done by clearly establishing a need and discussing the worst possible repercussions if such a need isn’t met.  Then and only then will you be abl...

E-books and Affiliate Programs

Some E-books combine very well with an affiliate program. When the affiliate receives some extra benefit from promoting the viral message, like being able to brand your E-book with his affiliate links, the affiliate makes a sale when a reader buys through a branded link. You benefit from increased traffic on your website because the affiliate is willing to promote the E-books for you.  Be absolutely certain that your message includes a clear call to action. There shouldn’t be any doubt whatsoever about what you intend recipients to do. Make sure that the instructions are perfectly clear so that recipients know HOW to act. The action that you require should be simple and obvious as well. Don’t make things complicated or it will confuse the reader, such as by adding numerous links. Remember the K.I.S.S. principle Keep It Simple Stupid! The incentive should be clear to those you want to take an action. Readers will look at your offering for about seven seconds before they ...

Four Good Reasons to Use Viral E-books

It is a well known and widely accepted fact, that E-books….FREE E-books…are one of the best weapons in a viral marketing campaign arsenal.  Here are four good reasons why this is true today and will continue to be true for the foreseeable future: 1. E-books are cheap to produce and don’t take long to set up. If you have articles that you have already written about the subject you are promoting, you can simply combine these articles into an E-book.  If, on the other hand, writing isn’t your forte, you can use re-brandable E-books that have been produced by others.  Just use your favorite search engine and do a web search for “re-brandable E-books”.  You will get a lot of hits and have many to choose from.  One way to distribute these E-books to visitors to your website is to give them as a free gift for subscribing to your newsletter. If your E-book contains material that people will want to share with their friends and family, they will pass it along t...

Using Videos in Viral Marketing

More and more advertisers are adopting video as broadband continues to rise and ad-serving technologies become more sophisticated.  Online video advertising is really taking off. Users’ attention can be captured and ads stand out from the crowd in an increasingly ad-cluttered online environment. It is true that video formats cost five to ten times more to serve than standard banners and they involve a lot more production and implementation work but they may well be worth all of that if they achieve greater response rates .  Where to use online video if wishing to maximize its effect, is what advertisers must carefully consider. Video to be used on the Internet should be information and communication focused while video to be used on television should be focused on entertainment.   Like everything else, there are good ways and bad ways to use video advertising. Right now most marketers are incorporating their audio-visual content into existing embedded ad ...

Using Forums in Viral Marketing

Recently, forum marketing has been touted as a kind of free, organic, viral marketing . But because so many marketers go into forums purely with the intention of marketing products or services, their actions and attitude unwittingly causes the exact opposite of the desired effect. Forums aren’t marketplaces but when used as such, the marketers’ actions become offensive and will only inspire the wrath of fellow members and marketers, not to mention moderators who can ban them from the site with the click of their mouse. In order to be effective, this kind of marketing carries a certain degree of commitment, responsibility and respect. The first requirement is to take a personal interest in the main topic of the forum. Not only does that mean visiting it regularly, but it also means developing a good relationship with both other members and the moderators, as well as taking an active interest in helping others. Of course, it also means abiding by and all rules that exist. By ...

How You Can Become a Super Affiliate

The humdrum existence of going to the office day after day doing the usual 9-5 shift is a trying task for those who have lived all their lives doing so.  This is why the convenience of doing work at home under amazingly flexible working hours is a dazzling prospect to them.  Doing work at home that is as fulfilling as having a career working for a computer on the 19th floor of a skyscraper is already a possibility in these modern times.  This is because the jungle-like network that is the internet has given birth to a business that has given some people practically new lives doing nothing but so. This particular business allows people to work at home under flexible working hours.  There is no boss to scream around putting pressure on everyone about the deadline at hand.  There is no clutter of messy paperwork that needs to be completed the soonest possible time.  Conveniences such as these are experienced by those who are into affiliate marketing ...

How to Incorporate Adsense Into Your Affiliate Marketing

A lot of people are lured by affiliate marketing because it can be financially rewarding, even if you just stay at home. Affiliate marketing programs are best alternatives to those who are sick and tired of their arduous daily work just to climb up the venerated corporate ladder. You don’t need products to sell, you just have to market them in your own web site and you don’t have to worry about processing the customers’ payments and the shipment of the products. If you are already into affiliate marketing, probably you were thinking about these benefits, too, before deciding to join an affiliate program .  Of course you want earn huge amount of commission. Who would not want it anyway? Keep in mind, however, that affiliate marketing cannot guarantee you instant success if you don’t work on it. There are a lot of ways of maximizing your income. The Internet is a huge library of information, use it to learn of other opportunities and ways to increase your income. You can partne...

How to Continually Grow Your Affiliate Checks

The promise of earning profits without really doing much of anything has enticed a lot of people towards affiliate marketing.  But does affiliate marketing really work this way? As an affiliate, all that is required of you is to simply place the merchant's ad on your website.  Then after that, you virtually do nothing but wait for anyone to click on the merchant's ad and later collect your profits.  Easy, right?  Well, not quite often.  Many affiliates earn almost nothing from their affiliate programs simply because they do nothing.  Remember that affiliate marketing is but another form of marketing , and you'll definitely need to market your merchant's product for you to earn something. Successful affiliates in any affiliate program simply don't sit there and wait for money to come.  Why?  Because there is no money in simply sitting and waiting.  If you want to be successful in affiliate marketing and if you want to continually g...