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Showing posts from August, 2020

Can Craigslist Improve Your Business?

The answer to this question is yes and no and maybe. It all depends on the way in which the business owners utilize Craigslist. Savvy Internet marketers who are able to identify the target audience and create sales copy which entices the reader may find advertising on Craigslist to be incredibly profitable. Conversely Internet markets that do not do their research and take a spamming approach to advertising on Craigslist are not likely to see significant financial gains.  Conversion Optimization There is certainly an opportunity to gain financial benefit through advertising on Craigslist. Advertising for all products and services is free on Craigslist making it cost effectively. Additionally, Craigslist already receives extensive traffic with approximately ten million visitors generating four billion page views each month so there is no need to drive traffic to the website. While Craigslist offers so many advertising benefits, these benefits may be wasted if the advertise...

How to Advertise on Craigslist to Boost Your Affiliate Income?

Advertising on Craigslist is worthwhile for just about any business offering products or services. Whether these products are offered through e-commerce websites or physical stores, the business owners can see financial gains through advertising on Craigslist. Firstly unlike other advertising opportunities there is very little risk involved in posting on Craigslist. With the exception of job postings and housing postings in specific markets, advertising is free on Craigslist. Users are asked to agree to the terms of service of the community and are expected to follow specific guidelines when posting advertisements but there are no financial obligations to those placing advertisements on Craigslist. This means those who post advertisements do not have to be concerned with whether or not the advertisement they place will meet their expectations in terms of sales generated.  Conversion Optimization Reaching Potential Customers on Craigslist Another reason why posting adv...

Affiliate Marketing through Craigslist

Craigslist is an extensive online community which has a great deal to offer to users of this community. With approximately four billion page views per month it should come as no surprise that Craigslist can offer a wealth of financial opportunities to savvy Internet marketers who know how to capitalize on the popularity of this website. Affiliate marketing is one of the ways knowledgeable Internet marketers can expand on the profitability of their websites. Craigslist provides wonderful opportunities for both e-commerce website owners seeking affiliates to market for them as well as those who are in the business of affiliate marketing who are looking for new opportunities to market for another business. This article will provide an explanation of affiliate marketing and will also provide information on how Craigslist can be used to either find affiliates or affiliate opportunities.  Conversion Optimization What is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing is essentiall...

Some Important Tips for Copy Writing in 2020

Within this article today on copy writing tips, we'll look at how you can acquire more clients as well as improve your writing skills. Conversion Optimization Improving these two skills will allow you to have a meteoric rise in the income that you bring in.  Many copywriters are very strong in their profession but are not very good at procuring clients.  If you are able to sell yourself to potential clients, you'll never find yourself short of work.  The ability to sell yourself is what will set you apart from all the other freelance copywriters out there.  You must make sure that you have a portfolio of your best work.  Within this portfolio, you'll want to have a letter explaining your qualifications along with samples of your writing as well as testimonials from your previous jobs.  If you are able to e-mail this to your potential clients, this will help set you apart.  They can see the professional work you have done in the past as well a...

Testing Your Sales Page is Critical to The Success of Your Online Business

The success of online businesses greatly depends on the potency of every product’s sales page.  A poorly written sales page will not be able to transform visitors into customers.  You may be generating thousands upon thousands of visitors per day, but if your sales page is not equipped with the right components to convert casual onlookers into sales, such traffic would be wasted. It’s All About The Sales Page Conversion Optimization Hence, many online businessmen spend thousands of dollars – literally and on a per project basis – to hire the best copywriters in the World Wide Web.  These veteran copywriters employ all manners of high impact copy writing to come up with a sales letter that truly converts. But is such a guarantee that the sales page they will come up with will truly open the gates to monumental profit? Not necessarily, because a great part of the ultimate success of your online business depends on you. In your shoulders lie the res...

Copy Writing Crash Course - Part 8

Increasing Your Conversion Rate The purpose of a sales page is to convert your visitors into paying customers.  Needless to say, if a sales page fails to accomplish this, it can never be considered as effective, and your campaign can never attain the level of success you might have expected. There are many techniques you can employ to ensure that your sales page will be able to persuade people to buy your products or services.  Let’s take a look at 5 of the most popular of these strategies. Performance Marketing Agency 1. Use testimonials.  Testimonials are words from other people recommending the usage of your products or services.  People are more inclined to believe the words of third parties compared to the words of the merchant himself.  Testimonials have an aura of objectivity, and more often than not, they are enough to convince many of your readers into patronizing what you have to offer. 2. Give emphasis to the benefits and relate ...

Copy Writing Crash Course - Part 7

Copy Writing Do’s And  Don'ts Just like with any craft, there are do’s and don’ts in copy writing.  These are to be expected.  Copy writing, after all, is a very sensitive undertaking.  The difference between a sale and a lost visitor can boil down to the use of a single word, and that’s not an exaggeration. Because of this, certain rules have been established so that budding copywriters won’t have to trek a more perilous path.  With these guidelines, the process is simplified.  You won’t have to go through trial and error.  You’d know what to avoid before venturing in this field.  And you’d know what to aim for while honing your trade. Digital Performance Marketing Agency Copy Writing Do’s 1. Introduce yourself and your business well.  With a brick and mortar establishment, establishing relationships with your prospects can be easier.  You can meet them face to face.  They’d get to know who you are and you’d g...

Copy Writing Crash Course - Part 6

Telling A Story If you want to convince people to purchase what you have to offer, one of the best ways to accomplish such is to tell a compelling story that they can relate to.   There are two main reasons for this: 1. You want your readers to realize that the product or service you are offering will be relevant to the their lives, and a story will prove this claim; and 2. You want your readers to continue reading until they reach your call to action, and an engaging story will make them stay on your sales page. Fantastic storytelling is a characteristic possessed by the greatest copywriters today.  If you’d be able to master this skill, you’d have a better chance of increasing your sales page’s conversion rate. Stories That Come From The Heart Let’s make it clear that the story you should share is not meant to be entertaining.  It’s meant to be relevant. That being said, there are a few things you should remember when crafting your s...

Copy Writing Crash Course - Part 5

How You Begin Your Sales Copy Can Seal The Deal The first two parts of your sales copy are your headlines and your opening paragraph.  Both of these are very important in determining the success of your letter.  Why?  It’s because these two components are directly responsible for catching the attention of your audience and motivating them to read further.  If both components are carelessly written, you won’t even be able to get them to read, and if they don’t read, they won’t know about your business message.  If a great majority of your visitors won’t read your sales copy, your campaign will be doomed to fail. So you have to observe extra care in crafting your headlines and your opening paragraph. The Power Of The Headline For sales copies, headlines are usually broken down into three parts: 1. The preparatory line, or a line that draws readers to read your main headline. 2. The main headline, which summarizes what your offer is abou...

Copy Writing Crash Course - Part 4

Mastering The Emotional Triggers It is a well-established rule in sales that people buy because of their emotions and justify their purchases through logic.  When a mother buys a college plan for her child, it’s because of love.  Thereafter, she will justify the same to answer as a safety precaution against any financial emergencies that can potentially transpire.  When a girl buys a red dress, it’s because she loves how she looks in it.  Later on, she’d say that she was just afraid that the store might run out of stock and she’d forever regret not purchasing it.  When a man buys an 80 inch HD, widescreen television set, it’s because he likes it.  A few days later, he’d convince himself to believe that it’s because television broadcasts are being upgraded to HD quality anyway. Indeed, people buy things because they are emotionally compelled to do so. Performance Marketing Hence, to experience amazing sales, you must learn how to reach your a...

Copy Writing Crash Course - Part 3

Learning How to Write For an Online Audience Writing your own sales copy will require some writing skills, first and foremost.  If you do not know the basics of writing, you might as well surrender the thought of doing your own copy writing and consider hiring the services of a professional instead.  You can study advanced cuisine techniques if you do not know how to cook.  You cannot enter law school without graduating from a pre-law course.  You cannot start learning soprano if you don’t know how to sing. The same thing applies here.  If you cannot write, don’t try copy writing.  Copy writing is a more advanced form of writing, but writing remains a basic requirement of the same. If you do possess some writing prowess, then read on, as what is coming may be far different from what you’re expecting. The Basics Of Writing For Web Readers Performance Marketing Agency You may have done some writing before, for school, for your work, or...

Copy Writing Crash Course - Part 2

Modeling And Learning If we are to be witty about it, learning copy writing is not only about the “writing.”  A good part of it is also about the “copy.”  By “copy,” I mean the act of imitating or mimicking something that is already in existence. No, I don’t mean that you should become a fraud and steal ideas left and right. Performance Marketing Agency What I want to say is that you should take time to study excellent sales copies, learn the methods that are used, and develop your own style by patterning your thought processes in accordance with the ideas behind proven sales letters. This is what copywriters have labeled as modeling.  And it is not something that is limited to novices to the craft.  Even veteran copywriters practice the same.  The importance of modeling cannot be undermined.  Modeling can help anyone upgrade their skills. Why Is Modeling Important? The greatest sculptors in history needed human models to copy....

Copy Writing Crash Course - Part 1

An Introduction To Copy Writing So, you’re at the verge of releasing your product, one which you believe should be a blockbuster since you know of its high quality and you have invested a lot of effort, time and resources for its creation. There is no reason why it should become a market failure, right? Well, guess again.  Despite what many idealistic online merchants would rather believe, online marketing is a sales page-driven industry.  By this, I mean that the success of a product greatly depends on how well-written and how potent the sales letter that promotes the same can be. Performance Marketing Agency Your Sales Pages Is Your Digital Salesperson Doing business online has its own set of limitations.  The most obvious of these is the fact that transactions are less personal.  You can’t meet your prospects and talk to them face to face.  They can’t see you.  They can’t even hear your voice. All you have are words – printed ...

2020 Digital Marketing - Why Copy Writing is In Demand?

Within this article on copy writing demand, we will look at how much work there is out there for someone who wants to do freelance copy writing as well as the demand for copywriters as a profession.  Performance Marketing Agency Copy writing demand will always be strong. Demand will always be strong whether the economy is strong or weak. In past decades, it was easy to get away with a strong product and some marketing. With the emergence of globalization, there is a greater deal of competition in all markets and the way to stand apart is through marketing. For many consumers, the only way to be able to discern the differences between competing products is through the marketing. This ensures that copywriters are needed. Any good company which wants to send a consistent message to a target audience will always be employing copywriters. Some companies not looking ahead to the future may cut their advertising budget when they hit weak sales but that is not a smart move. If a ...

Copy Writing Assignments in Year 2020

There are numerous methods for you to acquire copy writing assignments.  Within this article day, will focus on different websites where you can acquire copy writing assignments as well as how to acquire clients who will bring you copy writing assignments. Performance Marketing Agency There are many different online freelance marketplaces where you can acquire copy writing science.  There are three particular websites which stand head and shoulders above most others.  The first of these is This is the biggest online freelance marketplace. He second of these three websites is A third of these three websites is  Each of these websites has a search agent which can e-mail jobs based upon the desired search criteria which you would like.  The third website is the European version of the first two.  It is the smallest of the three but is still a significant source of good copy writing work.  Most of the website...

Copy Writing Procedures in Year 2020

Within this article on copy writing procedures, we will look at how to structure your copy writing when working for a client.  There has been a great deal of copy writing done through the years and it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel every time you want to write copy.  We will specifically be focused upon the sales letter because this could have the greatest impact for you, especially if you decide to do SEO copy writing.  Performance Marketing Agency One particular school of thought speaks to making your website one large online sales letter.  Continuing in this train of thought, this could present a great opportunity for you. You could write for both off-line businesses as well as for online business using the format of a sales letter. Within a sales letter, there are three main components that will make a difference whether or not your product will sell.  The first component is the headline.  If you do not grab your prospects' attenti...

Ten Things That Marketers Should Be, But Aren’t, Including on Their Sales Pages

Pay Per Lead Marketing The purpose of your sales page is to sell your product.  But this isn’t accomplished all the time.  Why?  Because chances are, readers aren’t getting a clear idea about the value of the product or package being offered. This, however, can be remedied by including some things in your sales page. 1. The amount of time you spent in preparing your product.  This may be in weeks or in months.  Nevertheless, your readers should know that it took you a long period of time to prepare the product, either because it took that long to research its content, or it took that long to test the procedures contained therein.  Such will immediately add value to the product, as your readers will realize that your offer isn’t something that was hastily prepared overnight. 2. The financial investment you have made in preparing the product.  You may have spent some cash in having the product prepared.  Or you may have spent some ...